The Village of the Year competition has been announced every two years since 2001. It focuses on presenting the results achieved in the field of rural care, competitiveness, uniqueness and the ability of Slovak villages to bring innovative solutions to the process of caring for their environment. It presents the successes, uniqueness of the Slovak village and the creative work of its representatives and residents in the development of their home and encourages them to further activities. It emphasizes the traditions and diversity of culture and landscapes of rural regions, points to the efforts of Slovak villages to approach the process of development of municipalities at the European level while preserving the face and soul of the Slovak countryside.
The aim of the competition is to check the success of the development of rural care, the results achieved, competitiveness, uniqueness and the ability of Slovak countryside to bring innovative solutions to the process of caring for their environment. At the same time, the competition draws the public´s attention to the fact that rural space is an essential and important part of Slovakia and strengthens its position in society.
The holder of the title Village of the Year is advances to the European Village Renewal Award competiton organized by the Europäische ARGE Landentwicklung & Dorferneuerung since 1990 and presebts the Slovak Republic at the European level.
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Slovak Environment Agency
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975 90 Banská Bystrica
+421 48 4374 176
Website creation date: Januar 1, 2021
Last update: Februar 10, 2021